HVAC & Plumbing Blog

3 Plumbing Repairs to Address Before They Turn Into Larger Problems
The holiday season around the corner. Now's a good time to address the plumbing problems in your Homer City, Pennsylvania, home. Here are some of the most common plumbing problems you may experience that you should address immediately: A Clogged Toilet A clogged...

3 Signs You Need a New Water Heater
An issue with the water heater in your Kittanning, Pennsylvania, home could lead to water damage. It can also increase your utility bills and cause your family discomfort. You can prevent these problems and save money by scheduling time to replace your aging heater....

How to Maximize Energy Efficiency This Fall
Everyone who lives in Indiana, Pennsylvania, knows that the seasons can be brutal. Winter is an especially trying time for any resident with temperatures sometimes shutting down entire school districts. Of course, the best way to prepare for the harsh winter weather...

4 Situations When You Should Call a Professional Plumber
With the amount of information available on the internet today, many homeowners are completing do-it-yourself projects successfully. But some tasks still require professional help and attention. Otherwise, you risk personal injury and property damage. Read on to learn...

4 Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Pipes and Plumbing
Perhaps you sometimes chew with your mouth open, or maybe you can't stop biting your nails when you're nervous. While people consider these bad habits, they aren't harmful. Some bad habits cause harm, though, and you should avoid them at all costs. Here are four bad...